Comments on: django + facebook connect Writer, coder, news hacker. Tue, 16 Aug 2011 21:06:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ryan Ryan Tue, 16 Aug 2011 21:06:12 +0000 @Miika - Don't use it. It's old and uses stuff that Facebook has deprecated. The OAUTH branch is something I started messing around with in order to get my old apps working with oauth and the open graph stuff. It doesn't work yet. @Miika – Don’t use it. It’s old and uses stuff that Facebook has deprecated. The OAUTH branch is something I started messing around with in order to get my old apps working with oauth and the open graph stuff. It doesn’t work yet.

By: Miika Miika Tue, 16 Aug 2011 20:32:49 +0000 I saw you started on a oauth branch, is it production material or does it still need some work? If so is there anything I could do to help? Any tips on how I should migrate to oauth? Cheers, M I saw you started on a oauth branch, is it production material or does it still need some work? If so is there anything I could do to help? Any tips on how I should migrate to oauth?


By: ryan ryan Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:42:55 +0000 I'm not sure - if you rewrite the model, it might work. As long as pyfacebook works on GAE. I've also started playing with using thread local variables to store some data to reduce the number of facebook calls. The facebook model does a lot, but you can probably just copy that stuff all into a new object that uses GAE backend. Hope this helps I’m not sure – if you rewrite the model, it might work. As long as pyfacebook works on GAE. I’ve also started playing with using thread local variables to store some data to reduce the number of facebook calls. The facebook model does a lot, but you can probably just copy that stuff all into a new object that uses GAE backend.

Hope this helps

By: Hitesh Hitesh Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:37:49 +0000 What do you think it would take to modify this code to run on Google App Engine (with the django patch). Is it only a matter of rewriting the models that you have to use GAE model instead of the django models? Thanks What do you think it would take to modify this code to run on Google App Engine (with the django patch). Is it only a matter of rewriting the models that you have to use GAE model instead of the django models?


By: EL EL Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:37:16 +0000 I have a problem. I followed the instructions above and applyed it to a fresh installation, but when I synced it to the database och got the message: Error: No module named adminfacebookconnect. Do someone now whats the problem is? I have a problem. I followed the instructions above and applyed it to a fresh installation, but when I synced it to the database och got the message:

Error: No module named adminfacebookconnect.

Do someone now whats the problem is?

By: RC RC Fri, 26 Jun 2009 10:24:34 +0000 Hi, I've installed your facebook-connect app but I'm having problems understanding how to wire it up with the views. And also how to load templates, etc. Could you please give a little more detail? Thanks Hi, I’ve installed your facebook-connect app but I’m having problems understanding how to wire it up with the views. And also how to load templates, etc. Could you please give a little more detail?


By: We Clicked On: SPJ regional conference will attend BarCamp NewsInnovation Philadelphia | CoPress We Clicked On: SPJ regional conference will attend BarCamp NewsInnovation Philadelphia | CoPress Fri, 03 Apr 2009 23:25:08 +0000 [...] django + facebook connect - Ryan Marks has a Django app for a better Facebook Connect. [...] [...] django + facebook connect – Ryan Marks has a Django app for a better Facebook Connect. [...]

By: Chris Amico Chris Amico Fri, 03 Apr 2009 15:06:19 +0000 That makes sense. I like the third option, especially since it gives me (as a site builder) the option of dumping FB connect if it starts to get onerous or just Orwellian without losing a bunch of accounts. People have been asking about using FB connect on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Tools for News</a>. This might be the head start I need to actually make it happen. That makes sense. I like the third option, especially since it gives me (as a site builder) the option of dumping FB connect if it starts to get onerous or just Orwellian without losing a bunch of accounts.

People have been asking about using FB connect on Tools for News. This might be the head start I need to actually make it happen.

By: ryan ryan Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:34:53 +0000 When someone logs in with their facebook for the first time, they get two choices: to link with an existing account or just use facebook. Folks who opt to just use facebook will always have to login to the site with that facebook account. Folks who choose to link their account can login with either facebook or the old django auth account. I'm thinking it would be cool to add a third option to create a new account to associate with facebook. So somebody could log in with a django username and password if they want. When someone logs in with their facebook for the first time, they get two choices: to link with an existing account or just use facebook. Folks who opt to just use facebook will always have to login to the site with that facebook account. Folks who choose to link their account can login with either facebook or the old django auth account.

I’m thinking it would be cool to add a third option to create a new account to associate with facebook. So somebody could log in with a django username and password if they want.

By: Chris Amico Chris Amico Thu, 02 Apr 2009 21:28:12 +0000 Awesome. Definitely going to be useful having different login options. This could be very handy very soon. So, if people have already created accounts through django.contrib.auth, and they log in via FB, would it create a new account? or auto-magically find their existing account? Awesome. Definitely going to be useful having different login options. This could be very handy very soon.

So, if people have already created accounts through django.contrib.auth, and they log in via FB, would it create a new account? or auto-magically find their existing account?
